Are there any special techniques i should use when performing a weekly clean of my home?

Making cleaning a team effort is one of the best ways to clean a house quickly. Schedule time in advance with your family and assign tasks to each person.

Are there any special techniques i should use when performing a weekly clean of my home?

Making cleaning a team effort is one of the best ways to clean a house quickly. Schedule time in advance with your family and assign tasks to each person. Working together can add some fun to cleaning, and your house will shine in no time. Having a cleaning schedule and cadence can give your home the focus it deserves and, at the same time, keep your mind under control.

There's no point in cleaning the same space over and over again if you neglect other parts of your home. Divide your cleaning tasks into daily, weekly and monthly lists, suggests Jamie Hord, founder of Horderly Professional Organizing. You'll never have to spend hours (or days) doing a deep cleaning of the entire house again, he adds. Hord recommends cleaning and disinfecting all high-traffic areas on a daily basis: doorknobs, countertops, kitchens, bathrooms, and laundromats, just to name a few.

On a weekly basis, wash sheets and towels, vacuum and mop floors, dust surfaces and furniture, and clean showers and bathtubs, he says. As for monthly tasks, Hord suggests taking an inventory of kitchen food, cleaning supplies, and toiletries to make sure they aren't expired or running low. Deep house cleaning doesn't have to be an overwhelming and impossible task. Use these tips to address each room quickly and effectively.

Clean the countertop and stove with an all-purpose cleaner after each use. Stoves, in particular, benefit from this type of quick and regular cleaning, as splashes, drops, and grease bake when left too long. There are all kinds of methods and tricks to clean just about everything, some of them more effective than others. There are golden rules, 15 and 20 minute rules, and several phased cleaning methods, which tell you to follow two, three, or even five steps to ensure that your home is spotless at all times.

But, at the end of the day, most people are only looking for the best cleaning tips to help them clean faster, more effectively, and less frequently. Luckily, we know how to separate fact from fiction when it comes to cleaning so you can make your home shine with minimal effort. It will keep the place in good shape and save you the long and tiring work of cleaning several months at a time. Residential real estate developer and general contractor Bill Samuel has innovated in grout cleaning while rehabilitating houses for resale and rent.

During a deep cleaning, you can also plan to eliminate clutter, clean and disinfect your appliances, organize drawers and cabinets, and address any broken or missing items in the house. Unlike regular maintenance cleaning, a deep cleaning is usually done only once or twice a year (or when you move in or out of a place). Tile and natural stone floors should never be cleaned with abrasives or with a vacuum with a roll-up brush, as both can cause scratches, nicks, or cracks. Deep cleaning a house means mopping, dusting, or vacuuming all surfaces in the house from top to bottom, including corners, crevices, and hard-to-reach areas.

The leather seats and interior details can be cleaned with leather conditioner or, in the case of very serious stains, with saddle soap. To clean it, Shimek recommends running a regular vacuum dry heat cycle to clean the interior, including the cutlery basket, filter, panels and door seal. When it comes to cleaning, getting started should involve creating a special station for all your cleaning items and products. Dedicate a bucket or cart to carry around the house with you while you clean, explains Wendy Silberstein, professional organizer and founder of The Aesthetic Organizer.

A complete step-by-step list for all kitchen cleaning tasks, plus helpful tips, a downloadable checklist, and product recommendations. Choose a task and do it in every room in the house to avoid feeling like you're in an endless cleaning cycle. Regular deep cleaning has several benefits (one of which is starting from scratch), such as eliminating allergens, dust, and mold and preserving the integrity of paint, moldings, furniture, and appliances. For everything else, there are ways to make cleaning less complicated, even by tackling the inside of the oven.


Della Goan
Della Goan

Renowned House Cleaning Specialist